Saturday, February 14, 2009

Just sitting here

I've been sitting here for hours trying to get motivated to do some work on a paper on evolution and genetic drift of influenza viruses that have successfully become pandemic flu. The object of the paper is to make the paper readable by a non-scientist and yet describe the beauty of genetic drift that makes these magnificent organisms so effective and elusive. For me, they are a thing of beauty and mystery since there many that can't even agree if these little collections of RNA are living or simply chemical process factories. 

Boring stuff for most folks but then again I am a simple person and often become fascinated by the oddest things. I wish I had been smart enough to save some of the humorous emails from another journal that we will not refer to by name again when I was experimenting with shaving creams and brush shaving creams. There are entire groups who have devoted themselves to shaving creams and lotions and they are as passionate about the topic as many are about religion and politics.

Last night, I was procrastinating again and was watching various video blogs from young people around the world and I stumbled upon groups of young people that were discussing their experiences being young and "coming out"; how very strange it strikes me. I look back to my youth and how things have changed. I am the generation of "Stone Wall" and to see the strives and accomplishments that have occurred over all these years and wonder where the world will be in the next twenty or thirty years. I do hope these kids I see online will having a better life than many of those in my generation. No fear, freedom and the right to be themselves - those are my hopes and dreams for them. It's unfortunate that the world is so full of freaks and a mature person talking and offering advice is viewed with such paranoia and suspicion. If only the generations could talk and help the next avoid the many pitfalls we incurred. I guess it is really for the safety of the young still, there should be a way in this modern world. Would I have ever been so brave as to record other than on paper my deepest thoughts and desires?

I guess my ADD or whatever the current politically correct term for it is, is showing. Yes, I really do sit here at my desk and read and think. A lost and strange art I believe but still one interesting to practice. Perhaps some of those from "that other failed journal" will decide to pop in and setup homestead. I miss their insight and words of wisdom.

To work now.. no more goof-balling around.

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